Dien chan Zone® Accademia Internazionale di Riflessologia Facciale Italiana A.I.R.F.I.
Pentru prima oară în România
06 -7 Iulie 2024- Pitești.
International Academy of Italian Facial Reflexology
AIRFI “Dien Chan Zone”®
Premieră in Romania .
Cursul de Reflexologia facială ITALIANĂ
MedicalEducation Courses DmAnamaria
WhatsApp 0771 436 027
La curs vă oferim:
*Manual de Reflexologie Facială, Dien Chan Zone® (Operator Holistic)
*Certificat internațional de competență tehnică ca Operator holistic „Dien Chan
*Inscrierea pe site-ul A.I.R.F.I ca Operator.
Cursul reprezintă un instrument suplimentar de profesionalism in profesia voastră .Este un avantaj pentru terapeutii care lucrează în domeniile: holistice,kinetoterapie fizioterapie, estetice ,
Pot participa și persoanele direct interesate ca și pacienți, deoarece metodele din cursul nostru pot fi
folosite ca și automasaj(autotratament)
Durata cursului este de 16 ore, desfășurandu-se pe durata a două zile.
Prof REFL. Ana Onu A studiat la Academia AIRFI la Milano.A devenit Reflexolog și Formator autorizat de AIRFI.Profeseaza și sustine cursuri în Italia.Ana, tradus manualul de Reflexologia facială Dien Chan Zone®Corse Operatore)-AIRFI. La nivel intenațional este singura școala autorizată pentru a preda si a profesa această materie.
Pentru inscrieri sau mai multe informatii luati legatura cu organizatorul oficial
MedicalEducation Courses DmAnamaria
WhatsApp 0771 436 027
The Italian Facial Reflexology – Dien Chan Zone® – It offers extraordinary, sometimes surprising and often immediate results for different types of disharmonies in the body. It comes from the root of Dien Chan which originated in distant Vietnam in 1980, after about five years of study and applications by its creator, Professor Bùi Quôc Châu and a group of acupuncturists.
It was developed to ensure that the Vietnamese population, destroyed by war, can practice the therapy independently, on themselves and their families at no cost, simply with their hands on their faces. Today in Europe this intention still remains at the center of our work and becomes Dien Chan Zone®, our adapted version of the technique.
It is the most recent reflexology and does not incorporate any oriental technique related to the face.
A.I.R.F.I. (formerly S.I.R.F.A.), regularly hosts courses in its Milan office and organizes trainings throughout Italy and abroad. It also organizes regular refresher and practice meetings for all its students. We have traveled across the country to promote and share our work at various trade shows and conferences. In 2014, a book which collects twenty years of work and methods.
After years of dedication, work, study, application and treatments, the Italian Academy Dien Chan “S.I.R.F.A. is opened with full rights. , Italian School of Applied Facial Reflexology ”and as such known and recognized in our country.
Following the natural progression and expansion of the technique, even at an international level, after more than twenty years of history with the same rights, A.I.R.F.I. International Academy of Italian Facial Reflexology which represents our daily presence, constant application, incalculable study and continuous improvement of the same.
In proximity to the brain and sense organs, the face has a first-rate reflex zone that demonstrates rapid and often immediate results from the reflexology treatment.
Starting from the manifested symptom, a personalized treatment is outlined to remove the energy blocks that cause the present disharmony.
After each treatment, the recipient is given a personalized map for self-treatment.
A unique treatment developed by A.I.R.F.I. to tone facial muscles, improve skin function and appearance. It works on the face, head and neck, reflecting the muscles of the whole body.
Using a gentle stimulation on the face with the fingertips or with specific tools you get extraordinary results. Therefore it is particularly suitable for all those with skin problems, elderly people and small children. Another way of understanding the face and another method of applying reflexology.
Created and developed by Beatrice Moricoli, Cranial Reflexology is an exclusive technique of our Academy.
It is the most powerful treatment from the energetic point of view of the Italian Facial Reflexology training package as it allows both the recipient and the operator to work in synergy for not only physical but also emotional and spiritual rebalancing.
The advanced course provides the basics of meridian theory as a further opportunity for intervention at the service of Italian Facial Reflexology.
The spinal column is also studied as all its discs correspond to parts of the body, emotions and problems. By investigating this area with care and precision we can decipher where exactly the body is requiring the most energy. This is a one of a kind tool offered by the school.
The Italian Facial Reflexology in its complete form is a multilevel-reflexology. In addition to the face, in fact, in Vietnamese massage, reflex maps present in all areas of the body are covered using the touch of the hands and biological oils. The result is a pleasant, relaxing and highly effective treatment.